Stain Choices:

Golden Oak stain
Red Oak stain
Provincial stain
Dark Walnut stain
Honey stain
Navy Stain
Ebony Stain
Whitewash stain
Weathered Gray
Vintage Aqua stain

New Fabric Choices:

Select the discounted option entitled "Send to OTV", to supply your own fabric for me to use.

French Stamp fabric
Ash Demask fabric
Tallulah Ash fabric
Textured Hazelnut
Hemp Gucci
Ikat Spice Fabric
Gray Abigail fabric
Navy Cecelia fabric
Damask Paisley
Indigo Grand
Birds & Butterflies Fabric
Striped Nature
Send your fabric to me to use on your piece

Retired Fabrics:

Discounted. Limited supply. Preceded with "R" in options. 

Flourishing Paisley
Americana fabric
Royal Swirl
Flourishing Paisley
Green Hex
Floral Blooms

Find your perfect fabric:

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